Talking About Dinner

This lesson focuses on a conversation about preparing and choosing food for dinner. It introduces learners to common dinner foods and helps practice using phrases for mealtime conversations with family.

Mom: “What do you want for dinner tonight?”
Child: “I want pasta!”
Mom: “Do you want spaghetti or macaroni?”
Child: “Spaghetti! And can we have some meatballs with it?”
Mom: “Sure! I’ll make spaghetti with meatballs. Do you want a side of vegetables or salad?”
Child: “Can I have broccoli? I like it with cheese.”
Mom: “That sounds delicious! I’ll steam some broccoli and add cheese on top.”
Child: “Yay! Can we have garlic bread too?”
Mom: “Of course! Garlic bread is always a great choice with spaghetti.”
Child: “Thanks, Mommy! I can’t wait for dinner!”
Mom: “You’re welcome! Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes.”

Vocabulary List

  1. Church [tʃɜːrtʃ] (noun) – A building used for Christian religious services.
    Example: “We go to church every Sunday.”
  2. Christmas Eve [ˈkrɪs·məs iːv] (noun) – The evening before Christmas Day, often a time for church services and family gatherings.
    Example: “We go to church on Christmas Eve to celebrate Jesus’ birth.”
  3. Carols [ˈkær·əlz] (noun) – Songs sung to celebrate Christmas, often in a joyful or religious tone.
    Example: “We sing Christmas carols every year.”
  4. Candlelight [ˈkændlˌlaɪt] (noun) – Light produced by burning candles, often used during Christmas services.
    Example: “The candlelight made the church look beautiful.”
  5. Priest [priːst] (noun) – A person authorized to perform religious duties in the Christian church.
    Example: “The priest leads the Christmas service.”
  6. Service [ˈsɜːrvɪs] (noun) – A religious ceremony or event, such as a church service.
    Example: “We attend the church service on Christmas Eve.”
  7. Silent Night [ˈsaɪlənt naɪt] (noun) – A traditional Christmas carol that is often sung at church services.
    Example: “We sang ‘Silent Night’ at the Christmas service.”
  8. Birth of Jesus [bɜːʌv ˈʤiːzəs] (noun) – The event that Christmas celebrates, the birth of Jesus Christ.
    Example: “Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.”
  9. Family [ˈfæmɪli] (noun) – A group consisting of parents and their children, or all the descendants of a common ancestor.
    Example: “Christmas is a time to be with family.”
  10. Kindness [ˈkaɪndnəs] (noun) – The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
    Example: “Christmas is a time for love and kindness.”

Grammar Tips

  1. Using “I like” for Preferences
    • Use “I like” to talk about things you enjoy or prefer.
    • Example: “I like Christmas carols.”
    • Example: “I like the candlelight during the service.”
  1. Asking Questions with “What”
    • Use “What” to ask about things.
    • Example: “What is the true meaning of Christmas?”
    • Example: “What songs are we going to sing?”
  1. Using “Let’s” for Suggestions
    • Use “Let’s” to suggest doing something together.
    • Example: “Let’s go find a seat.”
    • Example: “Let’s light the candles together.”
  1. Using “Remember” for Instructions
    • Use “remember” to remind someone about something important.
    • Example: “Remember to be quiet during the service.”
    • Example: “Remember to thank the priest after the service.”


Story with Missing Words

Mom: "It’s Christmas Eve! We’re going to to celebrate together."
Child: "Yay! I love going to for Christmas!"
Mom: "Me too, sweetheart. It's a time to be with , sing carols, and remember the true meaning of Christmas."
Child: "What’s the true meaning of Christmas, Mommy?"
Mom: "Christmas is about the of Jesus Christ. It's a time of love, kindness, and giving."
Child: "That sounds beautiful. Are we going to sing Christmas ?"
Mom: "Yes, we will! We’ll sing ‘Silent Night’ and other songs. Let’s go find a ."

At the Church
Mom: "Let’s sit down near the so we can see everything clearly."
Child: "Okay! I’m excited for the service. Will we light ?"
Mom: "Yes, during the service, we’ll all light candles and sing together."
Child: "That sounds so nice. I can’t !"
Mom: "It will be very peaceful. Just remember to be quiet and carefully."
Child: "I will, Mommy. I want to hear the story of Jesus' ."

After the Service
Mom: "That was a lovely service, wasn’t it?"
Child: "Yes, Mommy! I liked the , and the candlelight was so pretty."
Mom: "I’m glad you enjoyed it. Let’s say goodbye to the and thank him for the service."
Child: "Goodbye, Father! Thank you for the service!"
Mom: "Merry Christmas to you and your !"
Child: "Merry Christmas!"
Mom: "Now, let’s go home and get ready for . Santa will come soon!"

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