Supermarket Shopping

This lesson introduces learners to a conversation that might happen during a visit to the supermarket. It covers essential phrases for grocery shopping, asking for help, and navigating the store. It also helps moms practice vocabulary related to food items, quantities, and different store sections.

Mom: “Okay, we’re at the supermarket. Let’s make sure we get everything we need. What’s the first thing on our list?”
Child: “We need bread, mom!”
Mom: “Right! Let’s head to the bakery section for fresh bread. Do you want white bread or whole wheat?”
Child: “I like whole wheat, please!”
Mom: “Good choice! Now, let’s get some milk. We need one liter, right?”
Child: “Yes, one liter. Can I choose the milk?”
Mom: “Sure! You can pick the one you like. Make sure it’s the right size.”
Child: (Picks milk) “I found it! It’s one liter!”
Mom: “Perfect. Now, we also need eggs. Let’s go to the dairy section.”
Child: “Where are the eggs?”
Mom: “They’re over here, in the fridge. Can you grab a carton of eggs?”
Child: “Here they are! I got the eggs!”
Mom: “Great job! Now, we need some vegetables. Do you want to pick the carrots?”
Child: “Yes, I love carrots!”
Mom: “Okay, let’s also get some apples. We need four. How many are in this bag?”
Child: “I think there are six apples in the bag.”
Mom: “That’s perfect! We can have some extra. Let’s move on to the next aisle. We need some pasta.”
Child: “I see the pasta! Can I pick the spaghetti?”
Mom: “Of course! Now, we just need to pay for everything. Let’s go to the checkout.”
Child: “I want to help with the payment!”
Mom: “You can help by putting the items on the conveyor belt.”

Vocabulary List

  • Supermarket [ˈsuːpəmɑːrkɪt] (noun) – A large store where you can buy food and other products.
    • Example: “We need to go to the supermarket to buy groceries.”
  • Bakery [ˈbeɪkəri] (noun) – A section of the supermarket where bread, cakes, and pastries are sold.
    • Example: “Let’s get fresh bread from the bakery.”
  • Whole wheat [hoʊl wiːt] (noun) – A type of bread made from whole grains of wheat.
    • Example: “Whole wheat bread is healthier than white bread.”
  • Dairy [ˈdɛəri] (noun) – The section of the store where milk, cheese, and eggs are kept.
    • Example: “We need to go to the dairy section to get some milk and eggs.”
  • Carton [ˈkɑːrtən] (noun) – A container, often made of cardboard, for items like eggs or juice.
    • Example: “Can you grab a carton of eggs?”
  • Vegetables [ˈvɛdʒtəblz] (noun) – Edible plants such as carrots, broccoli, or spinach.
    • Example: “We need to buy some vegetables for dinner.”
  • Fridge [frɪdʒ] (noun) – A cold appliance used for storing food.
    • Example: “Put the milk in the fridge when we get home.”
  • Cart [kɑːrt] (noun) – A large basket on wheels used for carrying items while shopping.
    • Example: “Let’s put the bread in the cart.”
  • Conveyor belt [kənˈveɪər bɛlt] (noun) – A moving belt at the checkout counter where items are placed for scanning.
    • Example: “Put the milk and eggs on the conveyor belt.”
  • Checkout [ˈtʃɛk aʊt] (noun) – The place where you pay for your items.
  • Example: “We’re done shopping, now let’s go to checkout.”

Grammar Tip:

  • Use “let’s” for suggestions: “Let’s go to the dairy section.”
  • Use “need to” for necessity: “We need to get some bread.”
  • Use “can” for permission or ability: “Can I pick the apples?”
  • Use “how many” for quantities: “How many apples do we need?”
  • Use “there are” to describe the quantity of things: “There are six apples in the bag.”


Story with Missing Words

Mom: "Okay, we’re at the . Let’s make sure we get everything we need. What’s the first thing on our list?"
Child: "We need , Mom!"
Mom: "Right! Let’s head to the section for fresh bread. Do you want white bread or whole wheat?"
Child: "I like , please!"
Mom: "Good choice! Now, let’s get some . We need one liter, right?"
Child: "Yes, one liter. Can I choose the ?"
Mom: "Sure! You can pick the one you like. Make sure it’s the right size."
Child: (Picks milk) "I found it! It’s one !"
Mom: "Perfect. Now, we also need . Let’s go to the dairy section."
Child: "Where are the ?"
Mom: "They’re over here, in the fridge. Can you grab a carton of ?"
Child: "Here they are! I got the eggs!"
Mom: "Great job! Now, we need some . Do you want to pick the carrots?"
Child: "Yes, I love !"
Mom: "Okay, let's also get some . We need four. How many are in this bag?"
Child: "I think there are apples in the bag."
Mom: "That’s perfect! We can have some extra. Let’s move on to the next aisle. We need some ."
Child: "I see the ! Can I pick the spaghetti?"
Mom: "Of course! Now, we just need to pay for everything. Let’s go to the ."
Child: "I want to help with the !"
Mom: "You can help by putting the items on the conveyor ."

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