Mom: “Okay, we’re at the supermarket. Let’s make sure we get everything we need. What’s the first thing on our list?”
Child: “We need bread, mom!”
Mom: “Right! Let’s head to the bakery section for fresh bread. Do you want white bread or whole wheat?”
Child: “I like whole wheat, please!”
Mom: “Good choice! Now, let’s get some milk. We need one liter, right?”
Child: “Yes, one liter. Can I choose the milk?”
Mom: “Sure! You can pick the one you like. Make sure it’s the right size.”
Child: (Picks milk) “I found it! It’s one liter!”
Mom: “Perfect. Now, we also need eggs. Let’s go to the dairy section.”
Child: “Where are the eggs?”
Mom: “They’re over here, in the fridge. Can you grab a carton of eggs?”
Child: “Here they are! I got the eggs!”
Mom: “Great job! Now, we need some vegetables. Do you want to pick the carrots?”
Child: “Yes, I love carrots!”
Mom: “Okay, let’s also get some apples. We need four. How many are in this bag?”
Child: “I think there are six apples in the bag.”
Mom: “That’s perfect! We can have some extra. Let’s move on to the next aisle. We need some pasta.”
Child: “I see the pasta! Can I pick the spaghetti?”
Mom: “Of course! Now, we just need to pay for everything. Let’s go to the checkout.”
Child: “I want to help with the payment!”
Mom: “You can help by putting the items on the conveyor belt.”
Vocabulary List
- Supermarket [ˈsuːpəmɑːrkɪt] (noun) – A large store where you can buy food and other products.
- Example: “We need to go to the supermarket to buy groceries.”
- Bakery [ˈbeɪkəri] (noun) – A section of the supermarket where bread, cakes, and pastries are sold.
- Example: “Let’s get fresh bread from the bakery.”
- Whole wheat [hoʊl wiːt] (noun) – A type of bread made from whole grains of wheat.
- Example: “Whole wheat bread is healthier than white bread.”
- Dairy [ˈdɛəri] (noun) – The section of the store where milk, cheese, and eggs are kept.
- Example: “We need to go to the dairy section to get some milk and eggs.”
- Carton [ˈkɑːrtən] (noun) – A container, often made of cardboard, for items like eggs or juice.
- Example: “Can you grab a carton of eggs?”
- Vegetables [ˈvɛdʒtəblz] (noun) – Edible plants such as carrots, broccoli, or spinach.
- Example: “We need to buy some vegetables for dinner.”
- Fridge [frɪdʒ] (noun) – A cold appliance used for storing food.
- Example: “Put the milk in the fridge when we get home.”
- Cart [kɑːrt] (noun) – A large basket on wheels used for carrying items while shopping.
- Example: “Let’s put the bread in the cart.”
- Conveyor belt [kənˈveɪər bɛlt] (noun) – A moving belt at the checkout counter where items are placed for scanning.
- Example: “Put the milk and eggs on the conveyor belt.”
- Checkout [ˈtʃɛk aʊt] (noun) – The place where you pay for your items.
- Example: “We’re done shopping, now let’s go to checkout.”
Grammar Tip:
- Use “let’s” for suggestions: “Let’s go to the dairy section.”
- Use “need to” for necessity: “We need to get some bread.”
- Use “can” for permission or ability: “Can I pick the apples?”
- Use “how many” for quantities: “How many apples do we need?”
- Use “there are” to describe the quantity of things: “There are six apples in the bag.”
Mom: "Okay, we’re at the . Let’s make sure we get everything we need. What’s the first thing on our list?"
Child: "We need , Mom!"
Mom: "Right! Let’s head to the section for fresh bread. Do you want white bread or whole wheat?"
Child: "I like , please!"
Mom: "Good choice! Now, let’s get some . We need one liter, right?"
Child: "Yes, one liter. Can I choose the ?"
Mom: "Sure! You can pick the one you like. Make sure it’s the right size."
Child: (Picks milk) "I found it! It’s one !"
Mom: "Perfect. Now, we also need . Let’s go to the dairy section."
Child: "Where are the ?"
Mom: "They’re over here, in the fridge. Can you grab a carton of ?"
Child: "Here they are! I got the eggs!"
Mom: "Great job! Now, we need some . Do you want to pick the carrots?"
Child: "Yes, I love !"
Mom: "Okay, let's also get some . We need four. How many are in this bag?"
Child: "I think there are apples in the bag."
Mom: "That’s perfect! We can have some extra. Let’s move on to the next aisle. We need some ."
Child: "I see the ! Can I pick the spaghetti?"
Mom: "Of course! Now, we just need to pay for everything. Let’s go to the ."
Child: "I want to help with the !"
Mom: "You can help by putting the items on the conveyor ."