Saying Hello and Using Good Manners

This lesson teaches children the importance of greetings and using polite words when meeting people. It helps children understand that good manners make interactions more pleasant and respectful.

Mom: Sweetie, we’re going to meet your friend’s mom today. Do you remember how we greet people?
Child: Hmm… Do I have to say “hello”?
Mom: Yes, saying “hello” is a good way to greet people! It’s polite and shows respect. You can also say “Nice to meet you” if you haven’t met them before.
Child: I can say “Nice to meet you”? That sounds fancy!
Mom: It’s a very nice way to say hello when you meet someone new. And after you greet them, don’t forget to smile! Smiling makes people feel happy.
Child: I like smiling! Do I have to shake hands?
Mom: It’s not always necessary to shake hands, but it’s a nice gesture if the other person extends their hand first. Just remember to smile, look at the person, and say something kind.
Child: What if they don’t say “hello” back?
Mom: Sometimes people are shy or busy, but we still say hello with a big smile! If they don’t respond, it’s okay. You did the right thing by greeting them politely.
Child: Okay! I’ll try saying “Hello” and “Nice to meet you!” with a big smile.
Mom: That’s great! Remember, it’s always nice to use good manners like saying “please” and “thank you” too. Let’s go say “hello” and make a great impression!

Vocabulary List

  • Greeting [ˈɡriːtɪŋ] (noun) – A polite word or gesture when meeting someone.
    Example: “A friendly greeting makes everyone feel welcome.”
  • Polite [pəˈlaɪt] (adjective) – Showing respect and good manners.
    Example: “It’s polite to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’”
  • Gesture [ˈdʒɛstʃər] (noun) – A movement of the hands, arms, or head to express meaning.
    Example: “A wave is a simple gesture to say ‘hello.’”
  • Impression [ɪmˈprɛʃən] (noun) – An effect or feeling produced by someone or something.
    Example: “Your first impression is important when meeting someone new.”

Grammar Tips:

  • Using “Nice to meet you”: “Nice to meet you” is a polite way to greet someone when you’re meeting them for the first time.
    Example: “Nice to meet you, I’m Sarah!”
    Example: “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
  • Using “Please” and “Thank you”: “Please” and “thank you” are important for polite conversation.
    Example: “Can I please have some juice?”
    Example: “Thank you for helping me with my toys.”
  • Using “Look at” to show attention: Looking at someone when you greet them shows you’re paying attention.
    Example: “Look at your friend when you say ‘hello.’”
    Example: “It’s polite to look at the person you’re talking to.”


Story with Missing Words

Mom: "Sweetie, we’re going to meet your friend’s mom today. Do you remember how we people?"
Child: "Hmm... Do I have to say ''?"
Mom: "Yes, saying '' is a good way to greet people! It’s polite and shows respect. You can also say '' if you haven’t met them before."
Child: "I can say ''? That sounds fancy!"
Mom: "It’s a very nice way to say hello when you meet someone new. And after you greet them, don’t forget to ! Smiling makes people feel happy."
Child: "I like smiling! Do I have to hands?"
Mom: "It’s not always necessary to hands, but it’s a nice gesture if the other person extends their hand first. Just remember to smile, look at the person, and say something kind."
Child: "What if they don’t say '' back?"
Mom: "Sometimes people are shy or busy, but we still say with a big smile! If they don’t respond, it’s okay. You did the right thing by greeting them politely."
Child: "Okay! I’ll try saying '' and '' with a big smile."
Mom: "That’s great! Remember, it’s always nice to use good manners like saying '' and '' too. Let’s go say '' and make a great impression!"

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