Mom: Alright, sweetie, let’s order some bubble tea! What would you like?
Child: I want a small Pearl Milk Tea!
Mom: Good choice! I’ll get a large Taro Milk Tea for myself.
Cashier: Would you like any extra toppings?
Mom: Hmm… does the Pearl Milk Tea already have pearls in it?
Cashier: Yes, it comes with pearls by default.
Mom: Alright, then I’ll add extra Rainbow Jelly for my child’s drink.
Cashier: Got it! One small Pearl Milk Tea with Rainbow Jelly and one large Taro Milk Tea. Anything else?
Mom: Nope, that’s all. Thank you!
(They take their drinks and sit down. After drinking for a while…)
Child: Mom, next time you should order the same one as me!
Mom: Oh? Why’s that? Are you saying yours is so good that you want to recommend it to me?
Child: Hmm… not exactly. If you order Pearl Milk Tea like me, then if I finish mine and still want more, I can help you in case you can’t finish yours!
Mom: [laughs] Ahh, I see what you’re trying to do! Nice try, little one!
Child: [giggles] Well, sharing is caring, right?
Mom: [smiling] Alright, we’ll see about that next time!
Vocabulary List
- Bubble tea [ˈbʌb.l̩ tiː] (noun) – A cold tea-based drink with chewy tapioca pearls or other toppings.
- Example: “Bubble tea is my favorite treat!”
- Pearl Milk Tea [pɜːrl mɪlk tiː] (noun) – A classic bubble tea with black tea, milk, and tapioca pearls.
- Example: “Pearl Milk Tea is sweet and chewy!”
- Taro Milk Tea [ˈtɑː.roʊ mɪlk tiː] (noun) – A creamy, purple-colored bubble tea made with taro root.
- Example: “Taro Milk Tea has a unique nutty flavor.”
- Rainbow Jelly [ˈreɪn.boʊ ˈdʒɛl.i] (noun) – A colorful jelly topping with fruity flavors.
- Example: “Rainbow Jelly makes drinks more fun!”
- Cashier [kæˈʃɪə] (noun) – The person who takes orders and payments at a shop.
- Example: “The cashier was very friendly.”
Grammar Tips:
- Ordering Drinks:
- Use “I want…” or “Can I have…?” to place an order.
- Example: “Can I have a small Pearl Milk Tea?”
- Use “I want…” or “Can I have…?” to place an order.
- Asking About Ingredients:
- Use “Does this already have…?” when checking if something is included.
- Example: “Does the Pearl Milk Tea already have pearls?”
- Use “Does this already have…?” when checking if something is included.
- Making Suggestions:
- Use “Next time, you should…” to suggest something to someone.
- Example: “Next time, you should order the same as me!”
- Use “Next time, you should…” to suggest something to someone.
- Polite Declining:
- Use “We’ll see about that!” to playfully avoid agreeing too quickly.
- Example: “Alright, we’ll see about that next time!”
- Use “We’ll see about that!” to playfully avoid agreeing too quickly.
- Bubble tea [ˈbʌb.l̩ tiː] (noun) – A cold tea-based drink with chewy tapioca pearls or other toppings.
Mom: "Alright, sweetie, let’s order some tea! What would you like?"
Child: "I want a small Milk Tea!"
Mom: "Good choice! I’ll get a large Milk Tea for myself."
Cashier: "Would you like any extra ?"
Mom: "Hmm... does the Milk Tea already have pearls in it?"
Cashier: "Yes, it comes with by default."
Mom: "Alright, then I’ll add extra Jelly for my child’s drink."
Cashier: "Got it! One small Pearl Milk Tea with Rainbow Jelly and one large Milk Tea. Anything else?"
Mom: "Nope, that’s all. Thank you!"
(They take their drinks and sit down. After drinking for a while…)
Child: "Mom, next time you should order the one as me!"
Mom: "Oh? Why’s that? Are you saying yours is so that you want to recommend it to me?"
Child: "Hmm... not exactly. If you order Pearl Milk Tea like me, then if I finish mine and still want more, I can you in case you can’t finish yours!"
Mom: "[laughs] Ahh, I see what you’re trying to do! Nice try, little one!"
Child: "[giggles] Well, is caring, right?"
Mom: "[smiling] Alright, we’ll see about that next time!"