New Year – Fireworks at Midnight

This lesson explores the tradition of fireworks at midnight on New Year’s Eve. It focuses on helping learners understand the cultural significance of fireworks and how to talk about this tradition in English.

Mom: “It’s almost midnight! Are you ready for the countdown?”
Child: “Yes! I can’t wait! But, Mommy, why do people set off fireworks at midnight?”
Mom: “That’s a great question! People set off fireworks at midnight to celebrate the start of the New Year.”
Child: “But why fireworks?”
Mom: “Fireworks are loud and colorful, so they help everyone celebrate together. They also symbolize driving away bad luck and bringing in a fresh start for the New Year.”
Child: “So, it’s like saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year?”
Mom: “Exactly! The fireworks are a way to mark the moment when the year changes, and everyone gets excited for the possibilities of the new year.”
Child: “That’s cool! I can’t wait to see the fireworks!”
Mom: “Me too, sweetheart. Let’s get ready for the big moment!”

After Midnight

Mom: “Happy New Year, darling! Did you like the fireworks?”
Child: “Yes, they were so bright and loud! I think it was a really fun way to start the year!”
Mom: “I’m glad you liked it. Fireworks help us celebrate the New Year with joy and excitement.”
Child: “I want to make a wish now!”
Mom: “Go ahead, sweetheart. What’s your wish for the new year?”
Child: “I wish for more fireworks and fun times with you!”

Vocabulary List

  1. Fireworks [ˈfaɪərwɜːrks] (noun) – Explosive devices used to create colorful displays in the sky, especially for celebrations.
    Example: “We watch fireworks every year to celebrate New Year’s Eve.”
  2. Midnight [ˈmɪdˌnaɪt] (noun) – The time at 12:00 AM, marking the start of a new day, especially on New Year’s Eve.
    Example: “The fireworks start exactly at midnight.”
  3. Countdown [ˈkaʊntdaʊn] (noun) – The act of counting backward from a number, usually to mark an event like the New Year.
    Example: “We do a countdown to midnight every year.”
  4. Bad luck [bæd lʌk] (noun) – The idea of negative things happening, often seen as something to avoid.
    Example: “Some people believe fireworks help get rid of bad luck.”
  5. Fresh start [frɛʃ stɑːt] (noun) – A new beginning or a chance to start over, especially in the new year.
    Example: “The new year is a fresh start for everyone.”
  6. Celebrate [ˈsɛlɪˌbreɪt] (verb) – To observe or mark an event with joy or excitement.
    Example: “We celebrate New Year’s Eve with fireworks and food.”
  7. Possibilities [ˌpɒˈbɪlɪtiz] (noun) – The potential things that can happen in the future.
    Example: “The new year is full of possibilities for you and me!”
  8. Symbolize [ˈsɪmbəˌlaɪz] (verb) – To represent or stand for something important, often through a symbol or action.
    Example: “Fireworks symbolize new beginnings and joy.”

Grammar Tips

  1. Using “Why” to Ask Questions
    • “Why” is used to ask about reasons or causes.
    • Example: “Why do people set off fireworks?”
    • Example: “Why do we celebrate the New Year with fireworks?”
  1. Talking About Traditions with “People”
    • Use “people” to talk about common activities or traditions.
    • Example: “People set off fireworks to celebrate the New Year.”
    • Example: “People make New Year’s resolutions to improve themselves.”
  1. Using “To” for Purpose
    • “To” is used to show the purpose or reason for an action.
    • Example: “Fireworks are set off to celebrate the start of the New Year.”
    • Example: “I wish to be a better artist this year.”
  1. Expressing Excitement with “Can’t Wait”
    • “Can’t wait” shows how excited you are about something.
    • Example: “I can’t wait to see the fireworks!”
    • Example: “I can’t wait for the new year to begin!”


Story with Missing Words

Mom: "It’s almost ! Are you ready for the countdown?"
Child: "Yes! I can’t wait! But, Mommy, why do people set off at midnight?"
Mom: "That’s a great question! People set off fireworks at midnight to the start of the New Year."
Child: "But why fireworks?"
Mom: "Fireworks are loud and colorful, so they help everyone celebrate . They also symbolize driving away bad luck and bringing in a start for the New Year."
Child: "So, it’s like saying to the old year and welcoming the new year?"
Mom: "Exactly! The fireworks are a way to mark the moment when the year changes, and everyone gets excited for the possibilities of the new year."

After Midnight
Mom: "Happy New Year, darling! Did you like the ?"
Child: "Yes, they were so bright and ! I think it was a really fun way to start the year!"
Mom: "I’m glad you liked it. Fireworks help us celebrate the New Year with joy and excitement."
Child: "I want to make a now!"
Mom: "Go ahead, sweetheart. What’s your wish for the new year?"
Child: "I wish for more fireworks and times with you!"

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