Some health experts say drinking 1-2 liters of water daily is good for our body. Water helps our brain work better, keeps our skin fresh, and gives us energy. But not everyone needs the same amount. If you exercise a lot or live in a hot place, you may need more. If you eat foods with a lot of water, like fruits and soup, you may need less. The best way is to listen to your body. If you feel thirsty, drink water. Staying hydrated is important for everyone!
Vocabulary List
Hydrated [ˈhaɪdreɪtɪd] (adjective) – Having enough water in the body.
Example: “Drinking water keeps you hydrated.”
Liters [ˈliːtərz] (noun) – A unit for measuring liquid.
Example: “We should drink about 1-2 liters of water daily.”
Energy [ˈɛnərdʒi] (noun) – Strength to do things.
Example: “Drinking water gives us more energy.”
Thirsty [ˈθɜːrsti] (adjective) – Feeling like you need to drink.
Example: “I drink water when I feel thirsty.”
Grammar Tips: Using “Need” and “May”
We use need to show something is necessary.
Example: “Your body needs water to stay healthy.”
We use may to show possibility.
Example: “You may need more water if you exercise a lot.”
Practice: Write a sentence using “need” or “may” about drinking water.
Part 1: Fill in the Blanks (Vocabulary Practice)
Complete the sentences using the correct word from the vocabulary list: hydrated, liters, energy, thirsty.
- After running, I feel very ______ and need to drink water.
- It is important to stay ______ by drinking enough water every day.
- Some experts say we should drink 1-2 ______ of water daily.
- Drinking water gives us more ______ to work and play.
Part 2: Choose the Correct Answer (Grammar – ‘Need’ and ‘May’)
Choose the best answer for each question.
Which sentence is correct?
a) You need drink more water in summer.
b) You need to drink more water in summer.
c) You need drinking more water in summer.Which is the correct sentence using “may”?
a) You may need more water if you exercise a lot.
b) You may needs more water if you exercise a lot.
c) You may to need more water if you exercise a lot.Which sentence shows necessity?
a) Your body need water to stay hydrated.
b) Your body needs water to stay hydrated.
c) Your body may needs water to stay hydrated.
Part 3: Writing Practice
Write a sentence using “need” or “may” about drinking water.
Example: You need to drink water when you feel thirsty.
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