In this lesson, you will learn common phrases and vocabulary used during bedtime routines. The conversation between a mom and her child covers activities like brushing teeth, changing into pajamas, story time, and saying goodnight. This will help you practice everyday expressions and time-related language.

  1. Getting Ready for Bed

    Mom: “It’s time to get ready for bed, sweetheart.”
    Child: “Can I play for five more minutes?”
    Mom: “No, it’s already late. Let’s put your toys away and get ready.”
    Child: “Okay, Mommy.”
    Mom: “Good! Now let’s go to the bathroom to wash up.”


  1. Brushing Teeth

    Mom: “Here’s your toothbrush. Put some toothpaste on it.”
    Child: “How much should I use?”
    Mom: “Just a little, like this. Now brush your teeth – up and down, round and round.”
    Child: “I don’t like brushing my teeth!”
    Mom: “I know, but it keeps your teeth healthy and strong. Let’s finish quickly, and then you can pick a bedtime story.”


  1. Changing Into Pajamas

    Mom: “Let’s put on your pajamas now. Do you want the blue ones or the yellow ones?”
    Child: “The blue ones! They’re so comfy.”
    Mom: “Alright, here they are. Can you put them on by yourself?”
    Child: “I need help with the buttons.”
    Mom: “Okay, let me help you. There, all done!


  1. Story Time

    Mom: “What story would you like to hear tonight?”
    Child: “Can we read the one about the little rabbit?”
    Mom: “Sure! Here it is. Let’s sit together and read.”
    (Mom reads the story)
    Mom: “Did you like the story?”
    Child: “Yes, it was so funny!”
    Mom: “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now, let’s turn off the lights.”


  1. Saying Goodnight

    Mom: “Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you.”
    Child: “I love you too, Mommy.”
    Mom: “Sweet dreams! I’ll see you in the morning.”
    Child: “Okay, Mommy. Goodnight!”


Grammar Tips :

  1. Practice Time Expressions:

    • Use phrases like “It’s time to…” and “Let’s…” to guide routines.

  2. Positive Reinforcement:

    • Words like “Good job!” and “Well done!” encourage your child.

  3. Vocabulary Expansion:

    • Introduce simple adjectives like “comfy” or “strong” during daily routines.

Heart Divider


  • Yawn /jɔːn/ – (Verb) To open your mouth wide and take a deep breath when you are tired.

    Example: “She yawned when she woke up early this morning.”

  • Pajamas /pəˈdʒɑːməz/ – (Noun) Soft clothing worn for sleeping.

    Example: “He changed into his pajamas before bed.”

  • Brush /brʌʃ/ – (Verb) To clean or arrange something using a tool with bristles.

    Example: “Make sure to brush your teeth before bed.”

  • Toothpaste /ˈtuːθpeɪst/ – (Noun) A cream used with a toothbrush to clean teeth.

    Example: “I need to buy some more toothpaste.”

  • Blanket /ˈblæŋkɪt/ – (Noun) A large piece of soft material for warmth while sleeping.

    Example: “She wrapped herself in a warm blanket on the cold night.”

  • Bedtime /ˈbedtaɪm/ – (Noun) The time when you go to bed to sleep.

    Example: “It’s bedtime, so put away your toys.”

  • Story /ˈstɔːri/ – (Noun) A narrative or tale that is told to entertain or teach.

    Example: “Grandma told me a bedtime story.”

  • Put /pʊt/ – (Verb) To place something somewhere, such as “put something on” (e.g., clothing or a blanket).

    Example: “Please put your shoes by the door.”

  • Turn off /tɜːrn ɒf/ – (Phrasal Verb) To deactivate or stop a device, such as turning off lights or electronics.

    Example: “Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave.”

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BEDTIME - Fill in the Blanks

Story with Missing Words

1. Getting Ready for Bed

Mom: "It’s time to get ready for bed, ."
Child: "Can I play for more minutes?"
Mom: "No, it’s already late. Let’s put your toys away and get ready."
Child: "Okay, Mommy."
Mom: "Good! Now let’s go to the bathroom to wash up."

2. Brushing Teeth

Mom: "Here’s your toothbrush. Put some on it."
Child: "How much should I use?"
Mom: "Just a little, like this. Now brush your teeth – up and down, round and round."
Child: "I don’t like brushing my teeth!"
Mom: "I know, but it keeps your teeth healthy and strong. Let’s finish quickly, and then you can pick a bedtime story."

3. Changing Into Pajamas

Mom: "Let’s put on your pajamas now. Do you want the ones or the ones?"
Child: "The ones! They’re so comfy."
Mom: "Alright, here they are. Can you put them on by yourself?"
Child: "I need help with the buttons."
Mom: "Okay, let me help you. There, all done!"

4. Story Time

Mom: "What story would you like to hear tonight?"
Child: "Can we read the one about the little rabbit?"
Mom: "Sure! Here it is. Let’s sit together and read."
(Mom reads the story)
Mom: "Did you like the story?"
Child: "Yes, it was so funny!"
Mom: "I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now, let’s turn off the lights."

5. Saying Goodnight

Mom: "Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you."
Child: "I love you too, Mommy."
Mom: "Sweet dreams! I’ll see you in the morning."
Child: "Okay, Mommy. Goodnight!"