Mom: “Excuse me, how much is this watermelon?”
Store Clerk: “The watermelon is $5.99 each.”
Mom: “Is that for one watermelon?”
Store Clerk: “Yes, it’s $5.99 per watermelon.”
Mom: “Great, thank you. And how much are the apples?”
Store Clerk: “The apples are $2.49 per pound.”
Mom: “How many apples are in a pound?”
Store Clerk: “It depends on the size, but usually about 4 or 5 apples.”
Mom: “Okay, I’ll take 2 pounds of apples then.”
Store Clerk: “That will be $4.98 for the apples.”
Mom: “Thank you! And do you have any discounts today?”
Store Clerk: “Yes, we’re offering 10% off on all fruits today.”
Mom: “Wonderful! Can I pay with my credit card?”
Store Clerk: “Yes, we accept all major credit cards.”
Mom: “Perfect! I’ll pay with my credit card then.”
Child: “Mom, can I have a snack while we wait?”
Mom: “Sure, but just one small snack, okay?”
Child: “Thanks, Mom! I’ll pick some fruit.”
Mom: “That’s a healthy choice!”
Vocabulary List
- How much is this? [haʊ mʌʧ ɪz ðɪs] (question) – Asking about the price of something.
- Example: “How much is this watermelon?”
- Per pound [pɜːr paʊnd] (phrase) – A measure of weight, commonly used to describe the price of items sold by weight.
- Example: “The apples are $2.49 per pound.”
- Discount [ˈdɪskaʊnt] (noun) – A reduction in price.
- Example: “We’re offering 10% off on all fruits today.”
- Credit card [ˈkrɛdɪt kɑːrd] (noun) – A card issued by a bank to make purchases on credit.
- Example: “Can I pay with my credit card?”
- Pound [paʊnd] (noun) – A unit of weight, typically used for produce.
- Example: “How many apples are in a pound?”
- Major credit cards [ˈmeɪdʒər ˈkrɛdɪt kɑːrdz] (phrase) – The common types of credit cards, such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express.
- Example: “We accept all major credit cards.”
Grammar Tip:
- Asking about prices:
- “How much is this?”
- “How much are these apples?”
- “How much does this cost?”
- Using “per” to ask about the price for weight or quantity:
- “How much is it per pound?”
- “How much is this per piece?”
- Asking about discounts:
- “Do you have any discounts today?”
- “Is there a sale on fruits today?”
- Polite ways to ask for payment options:
- “Can I pay with a credit card?”
- “Do you accept credit cards?”
Practice Exercise:
- Fill in the blank:
“How much is this ______?”
a) fruit
b) bread
c) jacket - True or False:
“The apples are $2.49 per piece.” (True/False) - Short Answer:
How much does the watermelon cost? - Multiple Choice:
“What does ‘per pound’ mean?”
a) Price per fruit
b) Price per weight
c) Price per item
Bonus Tips:
- Use phrases like “Can I pay with a credit card?” and “How much is this per pound?” to ask about prices and quantities during shopping.
- Understanding how to ask about discounts can help save money and help you take advantage of sales.
Mom: "Excuse me, how much is this ?"
Store Clerk: "The watermelon is each."
Mom: "Is that for one ?"
Store Clerk: "Yes, it's $5.99 per watermelon."
Mom: "Great, thank you. And how much are the ?"
Store Clerk: "The apples are per pound."
Mom: "How many apples are in a ?"
Store Clerk: "It depends on the size, but usually about 4 or 5 apples."
Mom: "Okay, I’ll take 2 pounds of apples then."
Store Clerk: "That will be $4.98 for the apples."
Mom: "Thank you! And do you have any today?"
Store Clerk: "Yes, we’re offering 10% off on all today."
Mom: "Wonderful! Can I pay with my ?"
Store Clerk: "Yes, we accept all major credit cards."
Mom: "Perfect! I’ll pay with my credit card then."
Child: "Mom, can I have a while we wait?"
Mom: "Sure, but just one small snack, okay?"
Child: "Thanks, Mom! I’ll pick some ."
Mom: "That’s a healthy choice!"