Learning About Animals

In this lesson, you'll practice a conversation between a mom and her child about school, focusing on learning about animals, playing tag, and discussing homework. It's a fun way to learn common phrases and vocabulary used in everyday situations.

Mom: Hi, sweetheart! How was school today?
Child: It was good, Mommy.

Mom: What did you learn today?
Child: Hmm… I learned about animals in science class! 🐘🐦
Mom: Oh, really? What kind of animals?
Child: We learned about elephants and birds.

Mom: Wow! Elephants are big, aren’t they?
Child: Yes! And they have a long trunk.

Mom: That’s right! Did you have fun with your friends?
Child: Yes, we played tag at recess.
Mom: Tag? What is tag?

Child: Oh, it’s a game! One person is “it,” and they have to chase the others and touch them. If they touch someone, that person becomes “it.”
Mom: Oh, I see! So you run a lot in this game?
Child: Yes! We run really fast.

Mom: That sounds like so much fun! Were you “it” today?
Child: Yes, for a little while, but then I tagged Emma, and she was “it.” She’s really fast!

Mom: Haha, maybe next time you’ll be the fastest! What’s your homework for today?
Child: I have to draw an elephant and write about it.
Mom: Oh, that sounds interesting! Let me know if you need help.

Child: Okay, Mommy! Thank you.

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  • Elephant /ˈɛlɪfənt/ – (Noun) A large animal with a long trunk and tusks, found in Africa and Asia.

    Example: “Elephants are big, aren’t they?”

  • Trunk /trʌŋk/ – (Noun) The long, flexible nose of an elephant.

    Example: “Elephants have a long trunk.”

  • Bird /bɜːrd/ – (Noun) A type of animal with feathers, wings, and a beak, typically capable of flying.

    Example: “We learned about elephants and birds.”

  • Tag /tæɡ/ – (Noun) A children’s game where one person is “it” and chases others to touch them, making them “it.”

    Example: “We played tag at recess.”

  • Recess /rɪˈsɛs/ – (Noun) A break during the school day when children can play and relax.

    Example: “We played tag at recess.”

  • Fast /fæst/ – (Adjective) Moving or capable of moving at high speed.

    Example: “We run really fast in the game.”

  • Homework /ˈhoʊmwɜːrk/ – (Noun) Schoolwork that students do at home.

    Example: “I have to draw an elephant and write about it.”

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Fill in the Blanks

Story with Missing Words

1. School Day Conversation1

Mom: "Hi, sweetheart! How was school today?"
Child: "It was good, Mommy."
Mom: "What did you learn today?"
Child: "Hmm... I learned about animals in science class! 🐘🐦"
Mom: "Oh, really? What kind of animals?"
Child: "We learned about and ."
Mom: "Wow! are big, aren’t they?"
Child: "Yes! And they have a long ."
Mom: "Did you have fun with your friends?"
Child: "Yes, we played at recess."
Mom: "? What is tag?"
Child: "Oh, it’s a game! One person is 'it,' and they have to chase the others and touch them. If they touch someone, that person becomes 'it.'"
Mom: "I see! So you run a lot in this game?"
Child: "Yes! We run really ."
Mom: "That sounds like so much fun! Were you 'it' today?"
Child: "Yes, but then I tagged Emma, and she was 'it.' She's really !"
Mom: "What’s your homework for today?"
Child: "I have to draw an and write about it."
Mom: "Let me know if you need help."