It’s Not Fair!

In this lesson, learners are introduced to a conversation between a mom and her little daughter. The daughter feels left out and tells her mom that she spends too much time with her little brother. The conversation is warm and playful as the mom listens to her daughter’s feelings and tries to explain the situation. The lesson focuses on expressing feelings of fairness and affection in family relationships.

Little Sister: Mom, it’s not fair! You spend too much time with little brother. You’re always helping him, playing with him, and you never have enough time for me!

Mom: Oh, sweetie, I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I love both you and your brother so much! You’re both very important to me.

Little Sister: But it’s not the same! You’re always kissing him and hugging him. I want some of that too!

Mom: I see. You want more attention from me, don’t you?

Little Sister: Yes! It’s not fair, Mom!

Mom: I’m really sorry you feel that way. I promise I’ll try to spend more time with you, too. I love giving both of you kisses and hugs, but I’ll make sure I share my time better. Is that okay?

Little Sister: Well… there’s one more thing!

Mom: Oh? What’s that?

Little Sister: Mom, you kiss him too much! I counted, you kissed him five times today, but you only kissed me one time in the morning and once before bed. Can you give me more kisses too? Please?

Mom: Oh, my little love, of course! I’m sorry for not giving you more kisses. I’ll make sure to kiss you more, just like I do with your brother. You are both my precious children. How about a special hug and a kiss right now?

Little Sister: Yes, please! Thank you, Mom!

Mom: You’re welcome, my darling. I love you so much!

Vocabulary List

  1. Fair [fɛər] (adjective) – Treating all people or things equally, without bias or favoritism.
    • Example: “It’s not fair that my brother gets more kisses than me!”
  1. Attentionˈtɛnʃən] (noun) – The act of focusing one’s mind or actions on something or someone.
    • Example: “I want more of your attention, Mom!”
  1. Hug [hʌɡ] (noun/verb) – To hold someone tightly in your arms as a sign of affection.
    • Example: “I love when you give me a big hug, Mom.”
  1. Kiss [kɪs] (noun/verb) – A soft touch with the lips, usually as a sign of affection.
    • Example: “Mom gives my brother more kisses than me.”

Grammar Tips:

  • Expressing Feelings with “It’s not fair”: In this lesson, the phrase “It’s not fair” is used to express a feeling of unfairness. This phrase is often used when someone feels they are being treated unequally or not getting what they believe they deserve.
    • Example: “It’s not fair that you spend more time with my brother.”
    • Example: “It’s not fair that he gets more hugs than me.”
  • Asking for More with “Can you”: The phrase “Can you” is used to ask for something politely.
    • Example: “Can you give me more kisses, Mom?”
    • Example: “Can you spend more time with me?”


Story with Missing Words

Little Sister : "Mom, it’s not fair! You spend too much time with little brother. You’re always helping him, playing with him, and you never have enough time for !"
Mom: "Oh, sweetie, I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I love both and your brother so much! You’re both very important to me."
Little Sister : "But it’s not the ! You’re always kissing him and hugging him. I want some of that too!"
Mom: "I see. You want more from me, don’t you?"
Little Sister: "Yes! It’s not fair, Mom!"
Mom: "I’m really sorry you feel that way. I promise I’ll try to spend more time with , too. I love giving both of you kisses and hugs, but I’ll make sure I share my time better. Is that ?"
Little Sister : "Well... there’s one more thing!"
Mom: "Oh? What’s that?"
Little Sister : "Mom, you kiss him too much! I counted, you kissed him five times today, but you only kissed me one time in the morning and once before . Can you give me more kisses too? Please?"
Mom: "Oh, my little love, of course! I’m sorry for not giving you more kisses. I’ll make sure to kiss you more, just like I do with your brother. You are both my precious . How about a special hug and a kiss right now?"
Little Sister : "Yes, please! Thank you, Mom!"
Mom: "You’re welcome, my darling. I love you so !"

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