Ordering Bubble Tea at Gong Cha

This lesson helps moms and kids practice ordering bubble tea at Gong Cha in Australia. It focuses on choosing drink sizes, flavors, and toppings while using polite phrases. The conversation also includes a fun and cheeky moment where the child cleverly suggests that mom should order the same drink next time.

Mom: Alright, sweetie, let’s order some bubble tea! What would you like?

Child: I want a small Pearl Milk Tea!

Mom: Good choice! I’ll get a large Taro Milk Tea for myself.

Cashier: Would you like any extra toppings?

Mom: Hmm… does the Pearl Milk Tea already have pearls in it?

Cashier: Yes, it comes with pearls by default.

Mom: Alright, then I’ll add extra Rainbow Jelly for my child’s drink.

Cashier: Got it! One small Pearl Milk Tea with Rainbow Jelly and one large Taro Milk Tea. Anything else?

Mom: Nope, that’s all. Thank you!

(They take their drinks and sit down. After drinking for a while…)

Child: Mom, next time you should order the same one as me!

Mom: Oh? Why’s that? Are you saying yours is so good that you want to recommend it to me?

Child: Hmm… not exactly. If you order Pearl Milk Tea like me, then if I finish mine and still want more, I can help you in case you can’t finish yours!

Mom: [laughs] Ahh, I see what you’re trying to do! Nice try, little one!

Child: [giggles] Well, sharing is caring, right?

Mom: [smiling] Alright, we’ll see about that next time!

Vocabulary List

    • Bubble tea [ˈbʌb. tiː] (noun) – A cold tea-based drink with chewy tapioca pearls or other toppings.
      • Example: “Bubble tea is my favorite treat!”
    • Pearl Milk Tea [pɜːrl mɪlk tiː] (noun) – A classic bubble tea with black tea, milk, and tapioca pearls.
      • Example: “Pearl Milk Tea is sweet and chewy!”
    • Taro Milk Tea [ˈtɑː.roʊ mɪlk tiː] (noun) – A creamy, purple-colored bubble tea made with taro root.
      • Example: “Taro Milk Tea has a unique nutty flavor.”
    • Rainbow Jelly [ˈreɪn.boʊ ˈdʒɛl.i] (noun) – A colorful jelly topping with fruity flavors.
      • Example: “Rainbow Jelly makes drinks more fun!”
    • Cashier [kæˈʃɪə] (noun) – The person who takes orders and payments at a shop.
      • Example: “The cashier was very friendly.”

    Grammar Tips:

    1. Ordering Drinks:
      • Use “I want…” or “Can I have…?” to place an order.
        • Example: “Can I have a small Pearl Milk Tea?”
    1. Asking About Ingredients:
      • Use “Does this already have…?” when checking if something is included.
        • Example: “Does the Pearl Milk Tea already have pearls?”
    1. Making Suggestions:
      • Use “Next time, you should…” to suggest something to someone.
        • Example: “Next time, you should order the same as me!”
    1. Polite Declining:
      • Use “We’ll see about that!” to playfully avoid agreeing too quickly.
        • Example: “Alright, we’ll see about that next time!”


Bubble Tea Story - Fill in the Blanks

Mom: "Alright, sweetie, let’s order some tea! What would you like?"
Child: "I want a small Milk Tea!"
Mom: "Good choice! I’ll get a large Milk Tea for myself."
Cashier: "Would you like any extra ?"
Mom: "Hmm... does the Milk Tea already have pearls in it?"
Cashier: "Yes, it comes with by default."
Mom: "Alright, then I’ll add extra Jelly for my child’s drink."
Cashier: "Got it! One small Pearl Milk Tea with Rainbow Jelly and one large Milk Tea. Anything else?"
Mom: "Nope, that’s all. Thank you!"

(They take their drinks and sit down. After drinking for a while…)
Child: "Mom, next time you should order the one as me!"
Mom: "Oh? Why’s that? Are you saying yours is so that you want to recommend it to me?"
Child: "Hmm... not exactly. If you order Pearl Milk Tea like me, then if I finish mine and still want more, I can you in case you can’t finish yours!"
Mom: "[laughs] Ahh, I see what you’re trying to do! Nice try, little one!"
Child: "[giggles] Well, is caring, right?"
Mom: "[smiling] Alright, we’ll see about that next time!"

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