Mom: Hey, I’ve been thinking about how we can help our son with his homework.
Partner: Yeah? What’s on your mind?
Mom: I feel like we should start setting a regular routine for him. Maybe he could do his homework right after school instead of playing first.
Partner: I see your point, but I think he needs some time to unwind before diving into homework. What do you think?
Mom: I agree he needs a break, but I’m concerned he’s not getting enough time to focus later in the evening. By the time he gets to his homework, it’s almost bedtime, and he can’t concentrate properly.
Partner: That’s true. We want him to have some down time, but we also want to make sure he’s not rushing through his homework. Maybe we could try a balance?
Mom: What do you mean?
Partner: How about we let him have 30 minutes to play or relax after school, and then he does his homework right after that? That way, he still gets some playtime, but it doesn’t interfere with his focus later on.
Mom: I like that idea. It gives him some time to unwind, but it doesn’t make his homework feel like a last-minute rush. I think that might help him focus better.
Partner: Exactly. He needs time to relax but also structure to get things done.
Mom: Yes, and we can also reward him with extra playtime on the weekend if he sticks to the routine during the week.
Partner: Sounds like a great plan. We’ll give it a try and see how it goes.
Mom: I think this will really help him stay on track with his homework. Thanks for talking it through with me.
Partner: Of course. Let’s see how it works, and we can adjust if we need to.
Vocabulary List
- Routine [ruːˈtiːn] (noun) – A regular way of doing things or a daily schedule.
Example: “We need to create a bedtime routine to help him sleep better.” - Unwind [ʌnˈwaɪnd] (verb) – To relax after stress or work.
Example: “She likes to unwind by reading a book after a busy day.” - Compromise [ˈkɒmprəmaɪz] (noun) – An agreement made by both sides giving up part of their demands to reach a solution.
Example: “We reached a compromise on his screen time.” - Focus [ˈfəʊkəs] (verb) – To give full attention to something.
Example: “He needs to focus on his homework to finish it on time.” - Handle [ˈhændl] (verb) – To deal with or manage a situation.
Example: “She can handle the kids while I make dinner.”
Grammar Tips:
- Use modal verbs like should, could, and would when offering suggestions or advice.
Example: “We should set a regular routine for him.”
Example: “How about we compromise?” - When expressing opinions or discussing choices, use conditionals with if to show possibilities.
Example: “If we try it out tomorrow, we’ll see how he reacts.”
Mom: Hey, I’ve been thinking about how we can help our son with his .
Partner: Yeah? What’s on your mind?
Mom: I feel like we should start setting a regular for him. Maybe he could do his homework right after school instead of playing first.
Partner: I see your point, but I think he needs some time to before diving into homework. What do you think?
Mom: I agree he needs a break, but I’m concerned he’s not getting enough time to later in the evening. By the time he gets to his homework, it’s almost , and he can’t concentrate properly.
Partner: That’s true. We want him to have some , but we also want to make sure he’s not rushing through his homework. Maybe we could try a balance?
Mom: What do you mean?
Partner: How about we let him have minutes to play or relax after school, and then he does his homework right after that? That way, he still gets some playtime, but it doesn’t interfere with his focus later on.
Mom: I like that idea. It gives him some time to unwind, but it doesn’t make his homework feel like a last-minute . I think that might help him focus better.
Partner: Exactly. He needs time to but also structure to get things done.
Mom: Yes, and we can also reward him with extra playtime on the if he sticks to the routine during the week.
Partner: Sounds like a great plan. We’ll give it a try and see how it goes.
Mom: I think this will really help him stay on with his homework. Thanks for talking it through with me.
Partner: Of course. Let’s see how it works, and we can adjust if we need to.