Mom: Hello! I have some clothes that need alterations. Can you help me?
Tailor: Of course! What would you like to adjust?
Mom: I need these pants to be 3 cm shorter. They are too long for me.
Tailor: Alright, let me measure them. (Measuring) Okay, I’ll shorten them by 3 cm. Anything else?
Mom: Yes, I also have this dress. The zipper is broken. Can you fix it?
Tailor: Let me check. (Examining the dress) Yes, I can replace the zipper for you.
Mom: That’s great! How much will it cost for both the pants and the dress?
Tailor: Shortening the pants will be $10, and replacing the zipper will be $15. So the total is $25.
Mom: Okay, that sounds good. When can I pick them up?
Tailor: It will take about three days. You can pick them up on Thursday.
Mom: Is it possible to get them done by Wednesday? I need the dress for an event.
Tailor: Let me see… Yes, I can make it ready by Wednesday, but there will be a rush fee of $5.
Mom: Alright, that’s fine. I’ll pay the extra fee.
Tailor: Great! Anything else you need altered?
Mom: Actually, do you also fix loose buttons? I have a jacket with a button that’s coming off.
Tailor: Yes, I can sew it back properly. That will be an extra $3.
Mom: Okay, please fix that too. How much is the total now?
Tailor: With the rush fee and the button repair, the total is $33.
Mom: Alright. Do I pay now or when I pick up the clothes?
Tailor: You can pay when you pick them up.
Mom: Perfect! Thank you so much. I’ll come back on Wednesday.
Tailor: You’re welcome! See you then.
Vocabulary List
Alterations [ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃənz] (noun) – Changes made to clothing to adjust the fit or fix a problem.
Example: “I need some alterations on my dress before the wedding.”
Tailor [ˈteɪlər] (noun) – A person who alters, repairs, or makes clothes.
Example: “The tailor shortened my pants perfectly.”
Shorten [ˈʃɔːrtn] (verb) – To make something shorter.
Example: “Can you shorten these pants by 3 cm?”
Zipper [ˈzɪpər] (noun) – A fastening device with teeth that interlock to close clothing.
Example: “The zipper on my dress is broken; I need it replaced.”
Measure [ˈmeʒər] (verb) – To determine the size or length of something.
Example: “The tailor measured my pants before shortening them.”
Fix [fɪks] (verb) – To repair something that is broken or not working properly.
Example: “Can you fix the loose button on my jacket?”
Replace [rɪˈpleɪs] (verb) – To remove something and put another in its place.
Example: “I need to replace the zipper on my dress.”
Cost [kɔːst] (noun) – The price or amount of money needed to pay for something.
Example: “How much does it cost to shorten these pants?”
Pick up [pɪk ʌp] (phrasal verb) – To collect something that has been repaired or ordered.
Example: “When can I pick up my clothes?”
Rush fee [rʌʃ fiː] (noun) – An extra charge for faster service.
Example: “There is a $5 rush fee for next-day service.”
Loose [luːs] (adjective) – Not firmly attached or fitting properly.
Example: “The button on my coat is loose; it needs to be sewn back on.”
Sew [soʊ] (verb) – To stitch fabric together using a needle and thread.
Example: “Can you sew this button back onto my jacket?”
Grammar Tips
1. How to Ask for Alterations Politely
When requesting a service, we often use “Can you…?” or “Could you…?” to sound polite.
✅ Example:
❌ Make my pants shorter 3 cm. (too direct)
✅ Can you shorten my pants by 3 cm? (polite request)
✅ Example:
❌ Fix my dress zipper. (too direct)
✅ Could you fix the zipper on my dress? (polite and natural)
2. Using “By” for Measurements
When talking about how much something should be adjusted, we use “by” + amount.
✅ Example:
❌ Cut my pants 3 cm.
✅ Can you shorten my pants by 3 cm?
✅ Example:
❌ Make this dress smaller 2 sizes.
✅ Can you take in this dress by two sizes?
3. Asking About Cost and Time
When asking about the price, we use:
✅ How much does it cost to [action]?
✅ What’s the price for [service]?
✅ Example:
❌ How much for fix my dress? (incorrect grammar)
✅ How much does it cost to fix my dress? (correct)
For time, we use:
✅ When can I pick it up?
✅ How long will it take?
✅ Example:
❌ When I can take my clothes? (incorrect word order)
✅ When can I pick up my clothes? (correct)
4. Using “Need to” for Necessity
When talking about something that must be done, use “need to” + verb.
✅ Example:
❌ I must replace the zipper. (too strong)
✅ I need to replace the zipper. (natural)
✅ Example:
❌ I have to shorten my pants. (okay, but “need to” sounds softer)
✅ I need to shorten my pants by 3 cm.
Mom: Hello! I have some clothes that need . Can you help me?
Tailor: Of course! What would you like to ?
Mom: I need these pants to be 3 cm . They are too long for me.
Tailor: Alright, let me measure them. (Measuring) Okay, I’ll shorten them by 3 cm. Anything else?
Mom: Yes, I also have this dress. The is broken. Can you fix it?
Tailor: Let me check. (Examining the dress) Yes, I can replace the zipper for you.
Mom: That’s great! How much will it for both the pants and the dress?
Tailor: Shortening the pants will be $10, and replacing the zipper will be $15. So the total is $25.
Mom: Okay, that sounds good. When can I them up?
Tailor: It will take about three days. You can pick them up on Thursday.
Mom: Is it possible to get them done by Wednesday? I need the dress for an .
Tailor: Let me see… Yes, I can make it ready by Wednesday, but there will be a rush fee of $5.
Mom: Alright, that’s fine. I’ll pay the extra fee.
Tailor: Great! Anything else you need altered?
Mom: Actually, do you also fix loose ? I have a jacket with a button that’s coming off.
Tailor: Yes, I can sew it back properly. That will be an extra $3.
Mom: Okay, please fix that too. How much is the total now?
Tailor: With the rush fee and the button repair, the total is $33.
Mom: Alright. Do I pay now or when I pick up the clothes?
Tailor: You can pay when you pick them up.
Mom: Perfect! Thank you so much. I’ll come back on Wednesday.
Tailor: You’re welcome! See you then.