Dad’s Night Shift

This lesson helps learners explain to children why Dad is sleeping during the day and work at night. It cover how to explain to children why someone might be resting while the sun is up.

Child: Why is Daddy sleeping now? It’s the middle of the day!
Mom: Well, sweetie, Daddy worked last night, so now he’s sleeping during the day to rest.
Child: But he’s sleeping while I’m awake! I want to play with him!
Mom: I know, honey, but Daddy works while you’re sleeping at night. He has a special job where he helps people while they sleep. So, when you’re asleep at night, Daddy is working.
Child: Oh, that’s why he’s so tired during the day.
Mom: Exactly! His job is really important, but it means he has to sleep during the day to be ready to work again at night.
Child: Does he like working at night?
Mom: It’s not easy, but Daddy likes his job. Sometimes, it’s quieter at night, and he can focus better. But it also means he gets very tired, so he needs to rest during the day.
Child: I miss him. When will he wake up?
Mom: He will wake up in a few hours, just in time for dinner, and we can spend some time together.
Child: I’ll be quiet so he can sleep.
Mom: That’s very kind of you! Let’s be extra quiet so Daddy can get the rest he needs.
Child: I’ll wait for him.
Mom: Thanks, sweetie. Daddy loves you and works hard to take care of us. He’ll be up soon, and we can play together.

Vocabulary List

  • Night Shift [naɪt ʃɪft] (noun): A work shift that takes place at night, usually from evening until the early morning.
    Example: “Daddy works the night shift.”
  • Rest [rɛst] (verb): To relax or sleep in order to regain strength and energy.
    Example: “Daddy needs to rest after working all night.”
  • Tired [ˈtaɪərd] (adjective): Feeling exhausted or in need of rest after activity or work.
    Example: “Daddy is tired because he worked last night.”
  • Quiet [ˈkwaɪət] (adjective): Making little or no noise.
    Example: “We need to be quiet so Daddy can sleep.”
  • Special Job [ˈspɛʃəl dʒɑːb] (phrase): A unique or important job, often with specific responsibilities.
    Example: “Daddy has a special job that requires him to work at night.”
    From – Until [frəm – ˈʌntɪl] (prepositions): Indicating the start and end of a time period.
    Example: “Daddy works from 10 PM until 6 AM.”
  • Exhausted [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd] (adjective): Extremely tired, often after physical or mental effort.
    Example: “After the night shift, Daddy feels exhausted.”
  • Relax [rɪˈlæks] (verb): To rest or take it easy, especially to reduce stress.
    Example: “After work, Daddy likes to relax with a book.”
  • Unique [juːˈniːk] (adjective): One of a kind; different from anything else.
    Example: “Daddy’s job is unique because he works at night.”
  • Require [rɪˈkwaɪər] (verb): To need something or make it necessary.
    Example: “This job requires a lot of energy.”

Grammar Tip:

  • Using “From – Until” for Time Periods:
    Example 1: “I sleep from 8 PM until 6 AM.”
    Example 2: “Daddy works from evening until morning.”
  • Explaining Time or Actions That Happen During the Night: Use while to show that one action happens at the same time as another action.
  1. Example 1: “Daddy works while you sleep.”
  2. Example 2: “I sleep while you play.”


Why Does Daddy Sleep During the Day?

Child: Why is Daddy sleeping now? It's the middle of the !
Mom: Well, sweetie, Daddy worked last , so now he’s sleeping during the to rest.
Child: But he’s sleeping while I’m ! I want to play with him!
Mom: I know, honey, but Daddy works while you’re sleeping at night. He has a special where he helps people while they sleep.
Child: Oh, that’s why he’s so during the day.
Mom: Exactly! His job is really important, but it means he has to sleep during the day to be ready to work again at .
Child: Does he like working at night?
Mom: It’s not easy, but Daddy likes his job. Sometimes, it’s quieter at night, and he can better. But it also means he gets very tired, so he needs to during the day.
Child: I miss him. When will he wake up?
Mom: He will wake up in a few , just in time for dinner, and we can spend some time together.
Child: I’ll be quiet so he can sleep.
Mom: That’s very kind of you! Let’s be extra quiet so Daddy can get the he needs.
Child: I’ll wait for him.
Mom: Thanks, sweetie. Daddy loves you and works hard to take care of us. He’ll be up soon, and we can play together.

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